If you haven’t read my Peanut Butter and Jelly blog, you can check it out and read about the WAKE UP moment the proceeded taking the biggest leap of faith I have ever taken.
I’m here to share with you how doing something that scares you can lead to feeling really ALIVE in your own life! My story started with hearing myself with resentment in my voice describing how monotonous my life had become, making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for my kids’ lunches everyday. This story won’t ring true for everyone, but may be relatable in another capacity, or perhaps with someone you know.
Sometimes you need to wake up to yourself one day and realize that you deserve better than who you’ve allowed yourself to become; accepting circumstances, complacency and going through the motions of life. I don’t mean this in the ‘being in a bad relationship’ sense, but rather not living your best life. In this story, I surprised even myself with how quickly I made a decision and jumped without looking back. For anyone who knew me prior to this, that is something I NEVER would have done. I was probably one of the world’s most annoyingly indecisive people and it used to drive people around me batty (ahem… my husband) and made me feel awful every time I did it. It drained my self-confidence and I was completely unaware of the impact it had.
If I’m honest, once I had made the decision to quit my job and go through the 10-month coach training program, each and every step I took toward actually DOING it scared the tar out of me. The day I called my boss to quit my comfortable no-brainer job, I was literally shaking, crying as I tried to get the words “I quit” out and had a lump in my throat the entire conversation. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had never talked to someone who had gone through this program before and there are SO many other options available, I had a fear that I had chosen the wrong one. Sound familiar to anyone? But, looking back, this is where my attitude of “well, if I’m wrong, I’ll learn a hard lesson and grow from it” first appeared, although I didn’t realize it at the time.
I didn’t know where I was going, but I knew that anything was better than where I was.
It just so happened to be the best decision I ever made; and it had nothing to do with becoming a good coach. It had everything to do with becoming a better person.
The classes I took were 3-days long, Friday - Sunday. The first class was Fundamentals and it happened to fall over a weekend that all 3 of my girls were away at camp, so I invited my husband to come and join me for dinner close to campus. Between how fast I was talking and trying to project my voice over the loud music I couldn’t wait to tell him all about all that I had learned. I was SO excited and I loved it SO much, I felt ALIVE for the first time in a long time not only because of what I was learning but because I had taken a leap of faith and was reaping the rewards of my courage.
My husband told me that on the way home from meeting me for dinner, he was on the phone with his mom crying tears of joy for how much better and different I was after just one day of class. He has since told me that even if I never earned a single penny from being a coach, he would have paid for that program all over again, just for the way it changed me as a person. Our marriage is better, I’m a better mom, friend and more attentive human being. This is not marketing for coach training but rather to get you to go DO THE THING that you’ve always wanted to do, big or small. Push past your fear and stop asking “HOW” you’ll do it. Run it like a science experiment and witness the results. Notice the impact on you and on others around you. Much to my surprise, I had 4 different people approach me and say that I inspired them to do something they had wanted to do, mainly career/job changes and thanked me for setting the example. Bottom line: Take a step toward what you’ve wanted to do and notice what opens up in you and to you as a result of your courage.
Throughout the time with my clients, I have coached and supported many people into doing things that were outside of their comfort zones. Not only have they reported the same ALIVENESS that I have felt, they have experienced HUGE changes and astounding amounts of happiness for taking their own leaps of faith. Friends, it’s THE best way to live if you give it a chance. I IMPLORE you take a leap of faith, even if it’s small. Just TRY something that makes you a little uncomfortable and see what you discover. Was it as scary as you thought? Did you learn or grow from it? Or, if you need support in making that leap, reach out to reach out to a trusted coach to support you. YOU are WORTH the investment. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but have never done? OR, what’s something that you’ve been doing over and over and you want to break up the monotony but don’t know how? Whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to stay stuck. You only get one life. Live FULLY ALIVE!